TOAL: Entry Three


In one of those bizarre coincidences that happen when you’re travelling, Wez found out that two lads we were talking to in the youth hostel last night went to school with his flatmate for next year.

We drank an awful lot of cheap, strong Slovenian beer and managed to come away having only spent about £4 each! Wez reacted badly to the beer and was a bit ill but we managed to catch the train without a problem. On the way to Slovenia we had a whole compartment to ourselves with amazing reclining seats. unfortunately on the overnight train back when we actually needed them we had to share with two other people, our huge bags and had uncomfortable seats.

I hardly slept at all and I’m suffering for it today. There was a Slovene psycology student in our compartment who spoke beatufiful English.

We arrived back in Venice at around 9am and headed straight for our favourite spot. The spot includes cheap fruit stalls, a water fountain, a public toilet and bins! I followed the cue of a local and ate a large slice of watermelon using my penknife and had a banana and a drink of water for breakfast. We then headed off to the ferry port. We managed to get on the wrong bus at one point and got stranded ourside the city for a while. But with a little fiddling of the public transport system and a lot of walking we managed to find the right check in desk and boarded the ferry.

The ferry is huge and there are people with sleeping bags covering all the outside decks and lining the corridoors! We managed to grab a space in a wide corridoor which is reasonably quiet apart from the engines and nearby escalator!

We’ve had a good meal (a tad on the expensive side) and we’re winding down for the evening. Two things I’ve just remembered –

1) Sunbathing on the deck of the ferry
2) Being led to the train station in Slovenia by an intoxicated Slovene called Jistin whom we lost just in time because he’d decided he wanted to come to Venice with us!

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