Mum woke me this morning with some post from Nottingham University. They’ve invited me to visit the University and sent a few brochures as well as a CD-ROM containing videos and documents. I really really like the look of Nottingham. There was also a poster to torment myself with.
Cleaned out the gerbil which took AGES as usual.
Went to lauperr‘s for the rest of the day. She temporarily suspended her diet and attempted to eat two jumbo sausages. Her dad helped me with some SQL for my coursework, thanks bob 🙂 and Jessica sat on my knee, told me jokes and gave me a biro moustache.
I found out that onelessmoment has a livejournal, w00t!
mchicago and bouncykaz are both home now, hopefully I’ll get to see Kaz at some point. Got home and discussed stuff in #imen – found out J has actually written some decent documentation!
Tomorrow is maths, coursework and christmas pub quiz.