A Graphical Shell for the Web

I'd like to ask for feedback on a draft of a design concept I've been working on since 2006. The idea is "a graphical shell for the web" and it is intended to act as a replacement for a desktop environment for devices dedicated to accessing the web. Target hardware platforms might include netbook and nettop computers, mobile internet devices, set top boxes and internet kiosks.

I would appreciate comments either here on my blog, on the krellian-webtop mailing list or by contacting me personally if you prefer.

Work towards implementing this design concept has already started at krellian.org. In addition I am thinking of creating an interactive mockup of the user interface using SVG because, as Jef Raskin eloquently put, existing UI building tools "enshrine current paradigms and thus unduly limit the scope of what you can do".

Please let me know what you think.