Pfft, Brian from next door just complained about the dog barking. I wanted to say “OK, I’ll do you a deal. If you get your son to stop having parties until the early hours of the morning playing very loud music, then I’ll ask Penny to keep her voice down…”.
First thing yesterday I got letters from Birmingham and York University.
Birmingham were confirming their offer and sending the usual gumph, York wrote to tell me my application had been put on “hold” and would be decided on between January and March.
Went into to town to meet lauperr and to buy some credit. I also got hold of my first Linux Format magazine which was quite expensive but very interesting – although I did scare myself at one point when I thought the SuSE Live! CD that I’d just booted my computer into wasn’t a Live! CD at all and was trying to install itself with no user intervention. Luckily my fears were unfounded.
Had a drink with lauperr in the Angel and hung around for an hour chatting and generally annoying the staff by not buying anything 😛 discussion ranged from Christmas shopping to whether the guy at the bar was wearing a wig…
When I got back home, mchicago helped me set up a dancer-ircd server on which is now connected to the imen irc server so you should be able to find me in #imen – as long as we’re not experiencing a net split because my ADSL internet connection keeps dropping now and then. mchicago sorted the timestamp issue that we always had with Narc (RIP) by breaking the time on tralk 😉
Later on lauperr rang for a few hours! Whilst talking to her I managed to do a tiny bit of coding for DeepDown for which I now have access to the server files. Hopefully I can do some actual useful coding on this one.

Here’s a photo of Amanda and baby Jack. Don’t they look lovely.
On a semi related note, when Reuben bought a new Virgin Mobile phone the other day it came with something that looks like a condom packet and says on the front “Have fun with me, but let’s used protection”. Inside is a little leaflet about phone insurance. Yet another reason I like Virgin Mobile (they have a great tarriff too!). A while back they sent out a book of comments from all their customers – we’re talking a proper paper back with all sorts of different glossy textures throughout with very personalised pages from a whole bunch of customers – I thought it was fantastic (you really had to see it). Incidentally, if you’re intereseted joining up to Virgin Mobile, let me know because I can get you joined with glue. (translation: I can make money).
Right, off to lauperr‘s I go. She just got an offer from Derby, w00t!
P.S. I really need to change this template to one without a fixed width caus it doesn’t work on the hippygeek front page on small resolutions…