Yes, it’s true, the hippygeek now half owns a Skoda Favorit GLXi with his brother. This mean machine cost a mere £595, comes with sunroof and alloy wheels as standard and has a new exhaust and four new shock absorbers. Oh and a minor oil leak. After bribing the bank manager to allow me to take out £295 from a £100-a-day account the cash was handed over, the papers signed and it now sits on the drive…

Behind the hippymobile (1980 VW Camper)…

So I now have no money. Unfortunately I don’t actually have a full driving license… yet either… and it’s not taxed… or insured… and it has about a 5th of a tank of petrol. I am, however, very proud to own a Skoda. I find the stigma attached to the name mildly amusing, especially seeing as as far as I can tell it’s basically got a VW engine in it, so will probably go on forever.
Lots of hacking at PHP yesterday and I’ve finally finished my Bus Route Planner which comes to around 600 lines of code.
I ordered 500 “free” business cards and registered a domain overnight for my backup plan for next year.
Friday night was fun with lots of old friends coming back from uni and in town pubbing and “clubbing”.
Lost the pub quiz again tonight, the team that stole our table have turned out to be shockingly horrible people. I do still have my raffle ticket with the number 42 on it though, so it’s all good.
Now we get to the most important news, lauperr PASSED HER DRIVING TEST! I’m so proud of her, and I’ve also noticed quite a distinct change in her since she did, a good change. She seems a lot happier now she’s not imprisoned in her home! Hopefully the novelty of being able to give everyone lifts will wear off before the diesel money does :P, but with a bit of luck the confidence boost will stick.
Oh, a very interesting article about GMail here: – I know I know I’m sad, but I find it interesting.
Amongst the other fascinating things I’ve achieved over the Easter holiday I’ve tried to sort out my use of email addresses.
I’m finally phasing out my Freeserve account so I don’t have to keep ringing them up to re-activate it every few months. I’ve also gone off Freeserve since they replaced the VW campers in their adverts with a limo. (This got me labelled as sad in #alug because I take so much notice and don’t’ get out enough…) I’m now going to use as my main address and for mailing lists, news etc. Those and other business addresses all get forwarded to the email my ISP gives me so the only other email address that has a separate pop inbox is my iMen account. Nice to keep a backup 😛
In summary, email me at in future.