Finally I get the chance to add pictures of the water feature in the IT rooms at school. For anyone who hasn’t follwed the story there was quite severe leak in the roof which involved ceiling tiles and water falling on top of a bunch of year 10s and their computers. Once the computers were safely moved out of the way, we decided it would make an attractive addition to the decor of the room.

Photos by black_wraith
Yes that is a “No Fishing” sign, genuine pond weed, a bamboo plant, a frog, ducks, chicks and decorative marble chips. The sign says “Year 13 water feature project”.
Yes they are mains sockets and ethernet sockets you can see and yes there is still water dripping all around that area. Several members of senior management have seen our attractive water feature project and had mixed feelings I think.
Amongst other strange goings on is a sofa which has appeared at the local park. Every day I go past it has moved. I can’t help but remember the part in H2G2 when a sofa kept appearing a field and have been tempted to jump on it to see if I get whisked into a parrallel dimension.
I briefly signed up to Black Nova Traders on iMen. I read all the FAQs and the beginners guide then starting browsing the galaxy quite a lot to get some raw data for an idea I had for mapping sectors and links. Unfortunately I accidentally followed a link to a sector with no link back at one point and got lost in the middle of the galaxy. I started to try to find my way home when I looked at the clock and noticed two hours had passed. For my own good I decided to plunge my ship (called hog (Heart of Gold)) into a sector full of fighter ships who quickly destroyed my ship. Phewf, I knew there was a reason I don’t play those games.
lauperr and I went to see a lovely blue and white VW camper for sale today. The type 2s aren’t as tall as I thought, they’re very cute. It was in pretty good condition but unfortunately they wanted nearly seven grand for it.
Excluding exams today was my last Monday at school, ever.