WARNING: This is going to be a long post. It contains details of my last few days at school including numerous parties and childish pranks.
Computing party, lots of junk food and a full blown disco. Two guys were in school testing for places to put access points for Mr C’s proposed wireless network. They were completely baffled to come into an A-level class in Computing and see people playing AOE and eating marshmellows with disco music playing. They were even more baffled when someone dancing to Saturday Night (me) shouted across the room “So, is this 802.11b or 802.11g? Not Centrino I hope!”
It was even worse when they were introduced to our water feature. They were also fed marshmellows by lauperr, as were any other random passers by. At one point Mr A came in (future deputy head) and asked if there was any room for his physics class in the IT department. Mr M kindly explained that this was in fact his yeaer 13 Computing lesson so there wasn’t, to which he replied “So all of the rooms are chock-a-block then?”. “Yup” says Mr M as Mr A glances across the room to see only 6 computers being used… for AOE. He wasn’t a happy bunny.
djkoa‘s car was wrapped in cling film, as was Charlie who was escorted to her lesson before being released. Very amusing. djkoa and I also hid a ladder in a skip (very important).
Had a party in DT where my classmates invented a new game where a celebrations chocolate acts as a ball hit with the celebrations box and all the other players have to catch the “ball” in a plastic cup. If they catch it, they get to bat.
Later on djkoa and I walked out to the front of school in broad daylight with a ladder and made some very important measurements.
Before leaving school I took it upon myself to swap all the keyboards in Mr C’s room with the computer next door, turn the chairs upside-down in the office and swap round the monitors of two servers.
FRIDAY – The last day of school.
I got up.
I got a phone call from djkoa telling me he overslept and would be at mine at 4:30. No suprise there then 😉
Off we go to school, me dressed all in black, djkoa in his traditional muck-up day kit. We jump the school wall and creep through the car park in double quick time, trying to spot the security guard and dog, no sign of them except a security car parked inside the perimeter fence.
So next to the skip where we cunningly hid a ladder two days before. This was noisier than was hoped as a lot of junk had been heaped on top of it. Still no sign of a security guard we make a dash to the front of school and up goes the ladder.
djkoa passes me the vinyl sticker of the letter E he had printed the day before using the all important measurements and I begin to stick it down using a steel rule, occasionally jumping off the ladder to hide from passing cars. djkoa then moves in with his knife to pop a few air bubbles and do the final smoothing down. We take a few pictures then dash off to replace the ladder. A quick wave to the CCTV camera we just KNOW is either a dud or isn’t recording and off we go to jump in the getaway vehicle. It was over. Now to wait and see how long it will last…

More pictures will be posted here shortly.
We went back to my house and ordered a domain name for djkoa. I then had a couple of hours sleep.
The revised sign on the front of the school had lasted until the morning. As amusing as they found it, senior management decided that the letter E had to go and set their best brains on the tast, Mr L the assistant caretaker. Now as much as we love this guy he does occasionally do stupid things. Instead of carefully peeling off the sticker with the aid of white spirit like we had planned, he took it upon himself to use a wallpaper scraper and furniture polish. The result was that the “A” underneath the “E” was partially scraped off. OOPS, now we’re in trouble.
Next was double maths with fractions bingo and coffee, interrupted briefly by a conga of sixth form down the corridoor followed close behind by poor Mrs P (head of sixth form) who was closing all the doors behind them.
djkoa had the fantastic idea of giving the staff room a disco. He placed one of the speakers from the school sound system on the fire escape stairs outside IT just above the open staff room window and rigged it up to his disco equipment. The staff were then treated to his cheesy disco music. lauperr and I made a large card board cow which we dangled in front of the window and made MOOing sounds into the microphone. Fantastic.
Next was the farewell assembly from the head of sixth form and the head teacher. I think the deputy head, Mr L, was too choked up to speak as he is also leaving this year. The speeches were traditionally boring in places, but some of it was genuinely touching and there were tears in the hall. The head handed his hankey to someone at the front, aww.
But then came our moment of glory. Dr M (the head) said that it was a good job that he had the architect in that morning. They were discussing a re-design of the front of the school. The reason this was a good thing was that the sign at the front had recently been defaced. I gave djkoa a nudge and we stood up to take a bow. There were cheers and applause. The head then went on to say that the local paper had rung him asking him if he knew that the front of the school had been defaced. He said yes. They had asked if he knew who had done it. He said no. But now he knew! Oops.
Towards the end of the speech Dr M joked that if anyone wanted to email him, remember that his name is spelt Stuart, not Stuert and the school’s name is spelt Grammar, not Grammer. Hehehe.
We stopped afterwards to talk to staff and were congratulated on our “intelligent” prank. It seemed the staff were not in fact annoyed about it all, they were impressed! They were also very thankful for the disco we gave them – “It’s the best break we’ve had in ages!”. Even Dr A was impressed with our prank.
The head was suprisingly understanding as we apologised for the permenant 😉 damage. Everyone was collecting signatures and farewell wishes in little books, but lauperr decided to be different and collected hugs instead. Both me and lauperr got a hug from the head! w00t!
lauperr and I arrived at the pub to start our theoretical 13 hours of drinking. We started in Smiths but moved on when Charlie’s age was questioned. Mr T had dropped in for a quick beer amusingly. Good old chap! We then went off to the Angel. A few hours later people went home for their tea and after getting bored bumming around town lauperr and I nipped to my house for a quick kip followed by a mini hangover. Ick. A pizza soon got us back on our feet and back to the pub we went. Mr M and his wifey were there and we had another drinking sesh. After they had left Mr and Mrs C turned up to join the party. Mr C was confronted by an amusing drunk as laupperr described
We bid farewell to Mr and Mrs C after failing to convince them to come to Lesters Nightclub with us. It was a good job really because we didn’t get in. They wouldn’t let lauperr in without ID, despite having done so many many times before. To add insult to injury, during my refund they short changed me by £10!! I went back the next morning to claim it back, but they weren’t having any of it. Bar Stewards. This is particularly annoying as lauperr has a private party booked there in a couple of months.
I think this post is big enough, let’s start a new one.