I’ve just had a phone call to tell me that I’m through the the regional finals for the Young Engineer of the Year competition, w00t! Next step is to exhibit my work at Rolls Royce in Derby in July.
I’ve got an interview for the job I applied for! At first I thought I’d lost out because I have a maths exam the same day as the all day interviews and they said there was nothing they could do to change it. But then I got a phone call back and the Principal said I could have an interview on a different day so my interview is on Thursday! Considering the deadline for applications was only yesterday morning that’s pretty soon. So I have interview right in the middle of three maths exams, wonderful.
Extremely hot weather. A thermometer in the back garden reads 33 degrees celcius, but it is in the sun. I think my router overheated.
I telnetted to it and it kept throwing error messages at me saying it couldn’t get an IP address. tralk’s last apache activity was at 6am this morning from an MSN bot and everything refused to work.

So I implemented my high tech cooling system…

And everything worked again!