Starting a Business

My plans for this summer have changed many times now. Due to my exam timetable I have a four month summer break and I've been trying to think of ways to use this valuable time.

I've had interesting conversations with IBM, a chat with someone from Sun, three interviews with Google, missed the deadline for the Google Summer of Code while waiting to hear about a summer placement. But still, I have nothing to fill my summer.

I've decided that I'm going to take the opportunity to start implementing some ideas I've been working on for three years, I'm going to start a business.

OK, so I've done this kind of thing a few times before. I've even ended up as part of a limited liability company building web applications and doing installations in London. But it's always just been moonlighting, a job on the side. This time it's all my own ideas, it's ambitious and I'm doing it my way.

I'm currently working on a business plan and cash flow forecast so that I can apply for some funding from my university.

Introducing Krellian. Watch this space.

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