Sponsored walk for Bowel Cancer UK – please donate

Bowel cancer is not something a lot of people like to think about, but unfortunately for some people it's something very real they have to deal with.

That was the case for my girlfriend Laura's dad this year who was diagnosed by chance after a routine checkup with his doctor. Bob was lucky because they caught the cancer early and it has now been fully treated. He still has a long road to full recovery after the operation but he's on the mend.

In support of Bob, to raise awareness about bowel cancer and to provide practical support and advice for other people in the same situation, Laura and I are walking the 5km "Bringing up the rear!" sponsored walk in just over a week's time. this walk has been organised by Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Bob was treated by the fantastic staff at Peterborough hospital) and will raise money for Bowel Cancer UK.

If you live in the Peterborough area and you're free on Sunday 25th April then you've still got time to join us on this walk, but if not then we'd be extremely grateful if you could make a donation via our JustGiving web page. This web site makes it quick and easy for you to donate, allows you to automatically claim gift aid on your donation and have 100% of your donation sent to the charity.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please, donate now with whatever you can afford.