<-- why oh why? moving on... Cool night out "pubbing and clubbing" on Friday (you know, that room with the sticky floor the call a nightclub). Managed to con a free half pint of Guinness out of the barmaid in the Angel (I don't want to sound like that was a highlight of my evening or anything). lauperr stopped the night afterwards. I think she may be mentally scarred from the experience as she’s started worrying about the most odd things like “Getting squashed by trains” and “Standing on tropical fish”.
Spent the rest of the weekend researching and pondering over what I should do next year and my choice of Uni. Lots of evil plans.
I’ve now started reading a fourth book and am starting to feel like I should finish one. I’m currently simultaneously reading ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’ by Bill Bryson, ‘Windows NT Server Training Guide’ by Tod someone, ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’ by Stephen Hawking and the last book of ‘Schrodinger’s Cat Triology’ by Robert Anton Wilson – but I’ve kind of given up on the last one. I actually literally fell asleep after reading a chapter of the NT Server book, but it’s been sat on my shelf for a long time and after Mr C’s experiments with Server 2003 I felt strangely compelled to read it.
Gah, headache. Time for bed.
bouncykaz: What was that comment about regarding UEA and the people there?