Looks like I may be shortly taking on the role of lugmaster for Lincs LUG. It kind of died and I’ve been offered the job if I want to try and make a go of it. Of course I don’t have time for it right now, but come the end of June when I have time on my hands it could be an excellent project. Going to need help though.
mchicago: fancy hosting the IRC?
of course, if the discussion topics end up like those of ALUG’s…
[23:29] [tola] the main reason I want to go to uni has nothing to do with education or job prospects
[23:29] [quinophex] tola++++++
[23:29] * tola falls over
[23:30] [quinophex] you want to shag cute girls? (or boys)
[23:30] [stuman] maybe he wants to be drunk for 3 years?
[23:31] [tola] well, not exactly. It's something I want to experience. The student life for a few years. If that happens to entail shagging then so be it. But I'll cross that ridge when I cum to it
[23:31] [tola] :P
[23:31] [quinophex] that almost deserves a quote file entry
My maths test didn’t happen today which means I get to worry about it for a bit longer. Also have a load of integration I’ve just realised I should have done.