First Exam

Today was my first exam, Mechanics 1. The exam went very well, mainly due to about 12 hours of revision yesterday. I’m a bit annoyed that I ran out of time on the last question and didn’t get to answer the second part which I could have done, it was worth about 9 marks! There’s still a chance I got an A in this paper which I really need if I’ve any chance of getting a B overall.

After my exam, lauperr had prepared a picnic for me. She had cooked pasta and baked fairy cakes which contributed to the feast we sat and ate in the woods! YUMMY!

We then went on a two and a half mile walk in the woods to burn it off which was really really lovely. We saw voles, a herd of deer and a herron. A robin flew off with a piece of bread lauperr threw down which was half the size of its body! We also saw a Great Tit which I apparently found more amusing than I should have done… lauperr found a broken birds egg and I made a little parcel for her to keep it in from a doc leaf. Before we left she spotted a snake in the pond in my garden as well. With all of that and yet another visit from the Fox in the garden we’ve seen a lot of wildlife today! I love living around here.

I made an important logo for mum in PSP before setting up two web domains on dev and and respectively. It’s a long time since I’ve logged into a Linux shell and that little bit of config hacking was a refreshing change from revision.

Tomorrow I start revising Pure Maths. Fnnrrrgh.

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