Accidental Tortoise Purchase

Ever since we got back from Morocco I’ve been dying to blog about my experiences there, I’ve just not got round to it. So this is the first of (hopefully) a series of posts about my first time abroad, spending a week in Northern Africa and my experiences during my stay. Hopefully this one will cheer up poor Kazzy.

Accidental Tortoise Purchase

Quite early in the week we went round the mini zoo in Agadir and were being followed around by a zookeeper who kept letting us into enclosures with the animals so we could get a better picture, in return for a small tip (tipping is a way of life in Morocco). We got to a cage full of tortoises and there was one particularly cute baby tortoise. I pointed at it and the man went into the cage and passed it through the bars to me. I held it in the palm of my hand (did I mention it was very small) and we took photos.

I gave the tortoise back to the zookeeper, very aware that he would be expecting a tip. Usually I’d give perhaps 2-4dh but as small change seems hard to get hold of in Morocco the only coin I had was a 10dh piece. I gave it to him discretely, but perhaps a little too discretely and I think he got the wrong idea. He suddenly gestured for us to wait and then disappeared.

After standing there wondering what was going on for a few minutes the zookeeper returned with paper and a pen. This is where it started getting tricky. He appeared to speak only Arabic, I speak only English and we were trying to communicate in a hybrid language of gestures and very broken French! He started making gestures which could only be interpreted as symbolising a plane, pointing at me a lot, pointing at himself a lot and pointing at the tortoise. Then he kept saying “address, address”.

After going through all the possibilities, perhaps he wanted to visit us in England or perhaps send us news on how the tortoise was getting on, we came to the conclusion that he had in fact accepted the 10 dirham as *payment* for the tortoise and wanted my address so he could send it to me. Through the post.

Now being very aware that it is now illegal to import tortoises into the UK and bearing in mind Laura’s mum was already worried about getting through customs with some rather dodgy looking mint tea, I was quite keen not to complete the transaction. It took quite a while for us to escape!

Of course there’s every possibility that I still interpreted the situation wrongly and that he was suggesting something entirely different. I guess I’ll never know.

Edit: Here’s a photo of my very cute accidental purchase…


Venturing out of my sickbed

That was horrible. I started off with the flu, almost recovered, progressed to a secondary chest infection, then got a funny tummy… I’ve just finished my antibiotics. I was off work for two weeks and probably still shouldn’t be there. I’m kind of sort of nearly better, just in time to go to Morocco at the end of the week and get thoroughly ill again when my stomach disagrees with their food and water.

My Car…
has been a bit of a pain recently, more specifically the battery. But I’ve got a new battery and Milliwig is back to his full health too (no jokes about acceleration here please lauperr).

Overactive Mind
It has been confirmed by several others who shared the same flu bug as me that one of the symptoms is an overactive mind. This means sitting in bed, not being able to sleep because of the constant flow of thought; pictures, ideas and in my case programming. When I first got ill I literally didn’t sleep all night but planned out an entire web site in my head, including a php templating system, navigation and most of the content. When I got up I put it all down on paper and the content of my head filled several pages. It’s slowly being digitised.

I also had a flitting romance with a world domination plan which faded into delerium as I regained my grip on reality. But I did come up with a cool idea for a MMOG…

I’m now a member of the IEE, although they are trying to deny it. Seems a very cool institute to be a member of, although djkoa tells me changes are afoot.

My chums at work have complained I don’t write about them on here. Most of today was spent on yet another concept for the design of a new Arts web site, these arty types are hard to please. It’s been a team effort really, which I have mixed feelings about. Usually when designing I like to be left alone to experiment and work at an idea until it’s brilliant, without human contact for the duration, but being in the same room as two other people means I get constant input from them. I guess this is what working as part of a team is and it’s good for my… chi or something.

I played with a BEAST of a graphics tablet and spent a large amount of time tracking down all the digital cameras which I’m supposed to be responsible for, as well as the usual answering the phone and fixing things and being rude to people.

Gary has stolen the monitor from my Debian web server so there’s been little progress on that front recently. I know I know I should be using SSH, but there’s an annoying bug in the OS X terminal which sometimes stops you using backspaces, and it really really really annoys me. But that side of things is going well, SSL is finally working properly, WebDAV is up, phpicalendar is working, as is phpmyadmin. The next step is probably rsync and some gallery scripts, then I may venture into mail servers, if I dare.

There was an amusing moment when one of the sparky electrical guys fell through the ceiling in a classroom full of students today, he seemed OK except for his ankle, but he didn’t half get wound up for it. There’s also now a rather large hole in the ceiling.

We have sucky new ID badges, which… suck. So we’re designing some better ones! Yesterday the marketing meeting was cancelled which makes me happy, meetings are boring ๐Ÿ™‚

Gary’s been having fun with barcodes recently. He found a very cool program which uses an iSight camera as a barcode reader and can retrieve the details and a picture of any book, CD, DVD or game we threw at it. It didn’t know what hob knobs were though ๐Ÿ™ It has serious uses for the development plan though, which btw is very cool. Lots of new kit and networked CCTV cameras on the cards. New servers, 30″ flat screen, rack mounted web server for me, lots of new iMacs (mmm).

In other news, we’ve run out of sugar again and the place we usually steal it from has gotten wise to our antics.

New web site is coming and work is currently a constant trickle.

Here I come…

Hmm, what’s happened since 7th January…

My birthday happened, that was very cool. I got 30 cans of  Guinness and the Ultimate Matrix Collection amongst other things.

Laura took me to Franky and Benny’s for the most huge and expensive meal ever, after which I swore I would never eat again! We went to see White Noise at the cinema and drove home in the pouring rain in the dark. All in all it was fantastic day!

They finally gave in to the campaigning from the fans and released two, two hour episodes to finish the story, what a great birthday present!

The episodes were a little… odd. They seemed to use earth words rather than Farscape slang in places and one of the actors was replaced, which I didn’t notice until the second episode! The ending was a *little* bit corny, but I enjoyed it none the less. And the good news is that the war between peacekeepers and sebacians is now over so John’s baby can be raised in peace time. There seemed to be a hint at one point that the peacekeepers originated from a planet that sounded very much like earth, or I may have imagined that.

Due to asherfrancis getting a new laptop, I bought a wireless router for home so we now have wireless network access which is cool for my iBook (or would be if the wireless worked in Ubuntu). The Linksys ADSL Gateway (WAG54G) is very good and easy to configure with WEP encryption and NAT.

According to my stats on PlusNet, during December my household used 20Gb of bandwidth. Is that a lot?

I’ve been off work with the flu since Tuesday which sucks. But lauperr has been an angel looking after me ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Six Apart buys LiveJournal

“Will LiveJournal stay open source?
The parts that are open source now will of course remain open source… And some new stuff that’s infrastructure-related will probably also be released open source. We’re all definitely pushing for it, and Six Apart “gets it” when it comes to open source. Of course there will be some closed parts… there are already some now. What I personally feel is important is making sure the infrastructure guts are available, so other people building new, creative websites will be able to focus on the fun stuff and not shelling out lots of money to commercial vendors for basic things like storage and load balancing.”

What do people make of this?

The rest of the deal sounds fine, but this bit sounds very much like bad news. I’ve been considering moving my blog to my personal server for some time now, but we’ll see how this pans out first.

Christmas and New Year

I had a fantastic holiday.

First my new cousin Alfi was born (I suggested the name!)
 He can be seen below with the teddy I bought him ๐Ÿ™‚
Alfi 2 Days
Then I got some very cool presents for Christmas
including my iRiver H340 and this fridge from lauperr
Guinness Fridge
Then I had a fun New Year in Loughborough.
This is the New Year party after we’d climbed a very
large hill on New Years Day to clear our heads.
New Year 05

And now I’m back at work and everything is breaking. Printers are the bane of my existence and we were having severe network problems yesterday. Managed to isolate the problem to a fibre link between two switches which was replaced today and now everything is running smoothly again ๐Ÿ™‚

Another Cousin

Today has been busy, busy, busy. I have finished my Christmas shopping, helped Grandma move into her new bungalow and have gained *another* cousin, congratulations Aunty Kazzy on your beautiful baby boy! The best part is that I kind of suggested the name, Alfie!

This is a flash animation which discusses the future of the media in a fictional form set in the year 2014. Artistically I love the style of this piece and as long as you remember it’s *meant* to be fictional, it’s very interesting too! Something about it reminds me of the Animatrix, not sure why.

Three nights in a row

Currently my body and bank balance are having a hard time recovering from three nights in a row going out for meals.

Friday was Laura’s staff do in Spalding where we found the warehouse where they store all the OAPs overnight.
Saturday night was the BGS ICT department and quiz team Christmas do in Hacconby in a pub which now has two less Guinness posters than it had previously… Much drunkenness.
Sunday was my staff do in Greetham which was hilarious. Anything that wasn’t nailed down became a projectile, including balloons, paper, paper aeroplanes, gifts from crackers and truffles. I’m not sure the non-vcc guests really appreciated us though. Especially the man in the moustache with the amusing dance who became the target for our paper aeroplane competition. I hit him.

The rain outside looks distinctly snow-like. Now, off I go to negotiate the ice rink between here and lauperr‘s in my car.

RIP Fahrbot

May you rest in peace
My 12 inch iBook, Fahrbot, died today. He slipped away quietly after a system crash and refused to boot despite ressucitation efforts with a Firewire drive and a disk image. He did show signs of a pulse after a PRAM reset and exhaustive imaging, but was pronounced dead at approximately 3:00pm with a blank blue expression on his face.

Inspectors out in force
I was in town earlier and in both Woolworths and Blockbuster there were inspectors checking the shelves had been arranged properly for Christmas. I guess they get smart psychologists like lauperr to draw them out a plan then everyone has to follow it.

Sod’s Law
Why does everything always break when the Network Manager isn’t in?

Unconditional Offer
Someone once told me I would never get an Unconditional offer to University. I may have cheated slightly, but I proved them wrong. CSE, UEA, and in time for Christmas.

Piracy is the root of *all* evil

I was interested to find out that not only does Piracy fund terrorism but it also goes towards drug trafficing and illegal immigration now as well! The things you learn in Blockbuster! It’s only a matter of time before Piracy is linked to global warming and the spread of the AIDS virus.

Is it sad to play hide and seek with your girlfriend, in cars, in a village? Come to think of it, that probably contributes to global warming…

Why do all the christmas lights go out when one bulb breaks? isn’t it about time people figured out parallel circuits?