Crazy times. dev server is back up now – not that it was ever down, technically… who knows, I’m waiting for mchicago‘s account of events.
tralk reset today, after 188 days uptime. I can’t figure out whether it was random or whether I accidentally brushed past the reset button (I was sitting next to it at the time). For a while I thought it was broken, which would have been the last straw after a string of computer failures, but after a manual e2fsck everything was good.
frell is still running stupidly slow.
I’ve just taken two days off school due to icky illness and lauperr came to visit to try and make me feel better. I appreciated the visit a lot but I wasn’t really in the right frame of mind to entertain guests and now I’m in trouble for not giving her my full attention. Well I’m sorry, I’m very pleased you came, apart from you giving me a rash π mwahaha.
I ate lauperr‘s chicken soup earlier to make me feel better, but as far as I can tell it’s just made me feel worse, now I have tummy aches. I’m sure it’s nothing to do with the fact that it was slightly out of date and I didn’t cook it properly… at all. Hey if I die of food poisoning I don’t have to do any more coursework π
So why is the world going mad? My guess is something in the water.
Bush ‘n Blair, the grusome twosome, go waging war against people for having “weapons of mass destruction”… but they don’t. Guess who *does* have “weapons of mass destruction” poised and ready to wipe out the earth at a moment’s notice. Yes, you guessed it, Bush ‘n Blair! And who’s trading nuclear weapons under their noses? One of their biggest allies, now there’s a suprise.
So anyway, they go busting into the country somehow thinking they’re doing a great good by killing a load of people and trying to run it like an American state… and then they wonder why there’s as much chaos now as there was before they started killing people.
Why else is the world going mad? Erm… the Church. The sum total of wealth posessed by christian churches could solve the problem of world hunger probably twice over. Come to think of it, NASA’s budget could probably feed several planets’ populations… if they could only design a space buggy that didn’t fall to bits or vapourise the moment it sees another planet.
Talking of NASA, Bush watched one too many Sci-Fi films on Air Force One between “speeches” and has decided he wants to inhabit the Moon, then from the Moon launch a space craft to take men to Mars. He really has gone completely bonkers. Can’t we finish ruining this planet first before we start on the next one? Everyone knows he just wants a Lunar army base anyway, oh and to put an American flag and some footprints somewhere so nobody can claim they never went to the moon in the first place.
I think SCO is finally screwed btw, the fight over “that’s my toy, give it back” has suddenly been semi-resolved by another child coming along and saying, “actually, it’s mine, and I say everyone can share it”. Or at least that’s my interpretation of it. Oh yes and Micro$oft are leeching all of Lindows’ money by dragging out the court case where they’re trying to claim they own one of the words in the dictionary, “windows”. It won’t be long before we have to refer to the things we look out of as “see through doors” because we’re scared of infringing someone’s Copyright.
Some anonymous coward continues to make posts on people’s LJ’s which is getting a bit boring. Still, get this many people together on one network and there’s bound to be a few who were dropped on their heads at birth.
What else is mad? Ofsted inspections. There’s one at our school the week after half term and I think they’re pointless and silly. OK, so I’m glad someone is coming in to tell the school what they’re doing wrong, but the fact that the school knows they’re coming just means that every lesson plan has been changed for a week, giving Ofsted a completely unrepresentative view of the school.
Bill Gates was Knighted, that’s pretty damned crazy. I suppose it just shows us that the powers that be really don’t have a clue what’s going on, which is what we suspected all along.
I’m bored of rambling now, I’m going to find a corner to sulk in somewhere. I think it’s about time I wrote a song…