SQL blues

Not much happening at the moment. Done much more schoolwork recently than I had been doing. Computing in particular.

I’ve had to get round the fact that mySQL doesn’t support subqueries until version 4.1 which is still in alpha release and mchicago thinks its a bad idea to install that on tralk. I wanted to do something like:

SELECT * FROM RunStop a WHERE stopid=4 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM RunStop b WHERE b.runid=a.runid and b.stopid=23 AND a.id <> b.id);

but I can’t, so I now have a piece of PHP code which puts the results of the first part of the query into an array and loops through that array, creating a new query based on each result to do the sub part of the query on. (that made sense before it came out of my head). Well anyway, I think it’s messy.

Then there’s the fact that I can’t use INTERVAL with a TIME type, only DATETIME types. so instead of doing:

SELECT * FROM `RunStop` WHERE time BETWEEN ('07:30:00' - INTERVAL 1 HOUR) AND ('07:30:30' + INTERVAL 1 HOUR)

I have to do:

SELECT * FROM `RunStop` WHERE (TIME_TO_SEC(time) - TIME_TO_SEC('07:30:00')) <= 3600 AND (TIME_TO_SEC(time) - TIME_TO_SEC('07:30:00')) >= -3600

which is horridible. I haven’t even started on figuring out whether or not the bus travels on the right day…

I complain about these things, but I’m actually really enjoying the programming. I hadn’t realised how long it is since I’ve done any proper programming I’ve been spending so much time learning how to use Linux.

DT on the other hand is causing me headaches. My project is lacking direction quite terminally at the moment and I’m a bit fed up with it. I’m definately making progress in maths but no where near enough progress to get a B at the end of the year 🙁 – yet.

lauperr is up and down like a yoyo, I really hope she doesn’t quit school. I wish she had a bit more confidence in herself because she’s such a great person with lots of talents.

We had a disco in the IT room in our Computing Lesson/break time as Mr M was away. It involved much dancing to music thanks to djkoa and dognuts and cookies thanks to lauperr and was hilarious.

wonchop has made a new animation, eels on wheels which I love (here) which reminds me, I still haven’t got a flash plugin for Mozilla Firebird.

I think I have my first stats lesson with a lower sixth group tomorrow which will be fun :S

Night night.

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