Worried mind

For some reason yesterday I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hadn’t slept very well the previous night which may have something to do with it. I spent the day thinking a lot about things like global warming, endangered species, software patents, corrupt copyright law and for the first time for me really, politics.

The global warming/endangered fuzzy things thoughts were probably a result of a combination of the Douglas Adams book I just finished and the film we watched yesterday – The Day After Tomorrow. I really enjoyed the film despite the slightly limp plot and horrid CGI wolves, but it was a little bit too real for me. It didn’t even matter that some of it was likely factually incorrect and exaggerated.

Coming out of the cinema we discovered lauperr‘s wallet had gone missing and was most likely stolen. Inside was a quarter of her monthly wages, cash card, driving licnese, NI card etc. so the rest of the day was very stressful for her, having to ring the bank, DVLA, police etc.

That didn’t do much for my already tainted view of humanity.

By the end of the day my state of mind had slipped so low I actually found myself emailing candidates for the European elections and anyone who knows me will know just how out of character that is for me.

Anyway, that was yesterday. Last night lauperr slept over and today we took her five year old sister to take a picture she’d drawn to my grandparents where we stayed a little longer than I had hoped. This evening I’ve finished my latest job application and I’m going to hand deliver it tomorrow so I can get a look at the place.

Todays interesting URLS:
LocustWorld – Bio Diverse Networking unleashed!
South Witham Broadband
Community Wireless

Grr. I’ve just missed the beginning of Hannibal.

Btw, welcome to wildduckling and her new LiveJournal.

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