there goes today, here comes tomorrow

iMen seems to be kicking off again – what with DeepDown having a new lease of life. Also we’ve started more in depth discussion of a report which I wrote a foreword for a while back. The document was by a sixth former in Hertfordshire and was given to the head teacher of his school as a suggestion to the goveners that the school should adopt Free and Open Source Software. The reason the discussion started was that some changes that slef suggested didn’t get included in the final document, and the general feeling was that it was all far too rushed (and factually incorrect) and could hae a damaging effect.

A new version is being discussed which may be developed on the iMen site. Apparently the document was discussed at an ALUG meeting in Norwich too. We’ll see where that heads. J and I are currently working on revising the definitions in the Glossary. I also found out some of J’s opinions on copyright for documentaiton which I’d like to discuss further.

Some progress was made on computing coursework. I’ve got my tables set up in phpmyadmin the way I *think* they should be and some sample data too. I’ve been playing around with queries and text primary keys – I abandoned the latter because it was a bad idea.

Mr C got a parcel from containing a funny looking frisbee, an “orgasmatron” which he tried on Mr T amongst other people, a free bag of sweets(!) and some bags of air for packing which were christened “Lily’s breasts” but were then all popped because Ruth’s reaction to the bangs was priceless!

I got in a mard with laura because she yelled something obscene about me across the school hall, but then we made up 😛 When Mrs Ch caught up with Wez about his UCAS form he promptly ran through the school – ran across the dining hall yelling “I hate personal statements and I hate life” (much to the amusement of some members of the lower school) before running outside and jumping up and down. We all blew kisses to him from the IT Annexe window and he hugged paula before walking into a door on the way back in,

Argh, it’s tomorrow again.

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