Finished Computing Coursework

It’s done. The last piece of coursework I will ever do at this school. Over. Just under 100 pages. So, on to the next thing then, maths I think.

bouncykaz just showed me this animation which is pretty funny. The end is nigh.

lauperr made me smile a lot today. She randomly took Penny for a walk which was one of the things. She also bought me some milk… damn I forgot to give her her £4 back for the folder. She’s been reading my copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy again, hope she finishes it soon caus I want to read it again!

djkoahas finally start to come round to the fact that kewlistic radio are a bunch of incompetent, offensive fools. this may have something to do with it!

mchicago is having a VERY important interview – hope it goes well.

Google started an official blog using their newly aquired toy, which has seen a makeover to its site. Still doesn’t really compete with LiveJournal in my view though. Better name though 😛

wonchop had his 18th today, woooo! look forward to the party.

aaaand now I must go to bed.

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