I do really know that 7 is a multiple of 7, honest.

I like penguins, yes I do. I like penguins how about you? wonchop‘s last day tomorrow before he gets his freedom, poor Wonchop.

Spent the morning learning my seven times table so I wouldn’t be embarrassed in maths when we played fizz buzz (don’t tell anyone). For those of you who haven’t played it, fizz buzz is a maths game where you go round a circle counting. If you come to a number which is a multiple of 5 or has a 5 in it, you say fizz. If it’s a multiple of or contains a 7 then you say buzz. I said seven.

Laura’s last live journal entry made me feel guilty for making her feel guilty 😛 We’re all good. Lots of nice hugging today.

Dropped round mchicago‘s house to suggest we didn’t go to the ALUG meeting as he wasn’t happy about driving in icy, dark conditions and stage crew were a member down for the Christmas show after a knee injury(!). He lent me a couple of SQL books, yey! My PHP advanced and MySQL books arrived from Amazon this morning, so lots of reading to do. I was also reading about a Computer Science course in Iceland today, much to lauperr‘s disgust!

This evening I turned up to the school Christmas concert posing as a stage crew member. Hehe, I actually ran sound for a while when djkoa went back stage, reluctantly. Told Harry a few things about using the sound desk I should have told him a long time ago. I told people off for bickering on comms and the show went pretty well. I tried not to be seen at the end – I don’t want to be seen to be back on the stage crew since I’ve publicised the fact that I’m no longer on the stage crew, and I’d like to keep it that way. We got everyone swaying for one of the last numbers which was funny. We also put on our *non PAT tested* fairy lights on as a protest against the ban in school.

After the show, Wez and I snuck out some free mince pies and nipped into Smiths for a quickie, again. This is becoming a habit. Although it’s a habit that’s going to have to change – the price of Guinness has gone up, AGAIN! £2.65!!!

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